Julie Glynn, M.Ed., M.A.
Mean Girl Coach & Author of
If My Ass Were Smaller Life Would be Perfect
Check out the Blog
Mastering Your Mind for Peaceful Sleep
Anyone who’s ventured into the world of entrepreneurship has probably heard the golden rule: Identify the problem that keeps people awake at night and find a solution.
Transforming Your Inner Dialogue: Empowering Language and Positive Change
I want to chat about something we've all experienced: that negative inner voice I like to call the Mean Girl. She speaks to us in mysterious ways. Unfortunately we tend to believe what she says.
Redefining Beauty: Looking Beyond Looks
I’m not a fan of comments based on looks. In my opinion we should redefine beauty by diving deeper & seeing people for who they truly are, rather than judging them based on size, shape or appearance.
From Self-Doubt to Self-Belief
When I first got my teaching license, I choose to get it in New Hampshire, even though I lived just over the border in Vermont. Oddly enough, I never taught in New Hampshire.
When Diligence Becomes Self-Gifting
When you think about the little things you do for other people, think about little things to do for yourself that will create your own happiness.
Overcoming Fear: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Have you seen that quote, "Do something that scares you every day"? I decided a few weeks ago, “I’m going to stop not doing things because I’m scared.”
I Don't Have Time for That Sh*t
Our Mean Girl speaks through us in mysterious ways. We believe what she says. She shapes our vocabulary. Then our belief system. Ultimately who we are and how we show up.
What Are They Thinking?
Often I’ve asked the hypothetical question, “If we lived alone on a desert island would we hate how body looks like as much as we do?”
Where'd They Hear That?
Years ago my best friend and I were shopping in Target. My 2-1/2-year-old son was sitting in the seat of the cart while her 3-year-old daughter stood, somewhat Titanic style at the front of the cart.