I Don't Have Time for That Sh*t
Our Mean Girl speaks through us in mysterious ways.
And we believe what she says.
She shapes our vocabulary.
Then our belief system.
Ultimately who we are and how we show up.
That’s unfortunate.
Shifting her statements, even just slightly, could create huge changes.
For example.
Mean Girl says, “I don’t have time for that sh*t.”
Truth is, “That sh*t really isn’t important to me.”
That’s acceptable. Not everything is important to us.
But only one of those statements is correct.
Because really, we have time for those things we find important.
One statement makes us feel out of control.
The other gives us the power of choice.
Another example:
“I have to pick up the dog up at 3:30.”
You “have” to?
Or, you “get” to?
Yes!! “I get to pick up the dog at 3:30”
One statement subtly creates dread while the other creates excitement and gratitude.
I’m going to give you a challenge for the next week.
Notice the Mean Girl statements that your speaking (or thinking)
Do they create yucky thoughts & emotions?
Can you shift them to something that feels more empowering or exciting?
Try it for a week.
See what happens.
Let me know how I can help.